And neither did she care, that Ohio was steadily gaining influence as a men's rights activist. As far as she was concerned, he and his merry little band of wannabe writers, could go on all they wanted about the pathetic state of pre and post-wall western women. Frankly, Ellen agreed with them on that point. While the men thought it unjust that a wife or girlfriend could walk away with the cash and prizes - and so, more than a few of these guys were upset about imposed international travel restrictions. Ellen had little regard for breeders, she'd heard enough of their sob-stories pouring out the domestic relations offices.
Neither did she care, that many - if not most - the red-pillers were interested in young honies, and - except for a one nighter, maybe two or three - were passing over women her age. As far as Ellen was concerned, getting married was ... you might as well pack it in and check the heck out! She'd never been married, and sure enough, didn't want even anything monogamous. At 30-something, she was well equipped, thank-you-very-kindly, to continue upon the carousel. Ticking bio-clock, the very idea was enough to make her want to barf.
No, Ellen's beef went far beyond stupid women. Ohio and company were getting hits, and they were becoming bad for business. It was the inner circle, that had her most concerned. They were reaching men, which reason would tell you, these young guys wouldn't be interested.
But there was interest. Maybe not a whole lot, but more than enough. Posted upon Ohio's page were several sermons, given by a pastor jason, who lived somewhere in fly-over-ville. His sermons were getting hits. Hits from young guys, who were becoming done with the drugs, the music - and the toys.
Bad for business.
Ellen's master was also becoming concerned with these recent events.
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