Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Andrew's post would be funny, but it's VERY not, because most people don't even begin to understand Scripture.

Anyway, Andrew went on to say that when the Lord took out Adam's rib, what the Lord was doing, was taking out the bad stuff.  Meh, guess that means God the Creator didn't do such a hot job after all - hey Andrew, go tell that to His face...oh wait, please, please gimme a few minutes to dig a fallout shelter and jump in...yep, am just a chicken-sheet old broad...shure don't want to be anywhere around, when you go before the Lord and give Him a mediocre performance rating.

But seriously, throughout the ages...and not to put too jagged a, alot smarter than you - and certainly smarter than me :) - have equated man, a representation of Christ, and woman, a representation of the church.  Well, we both know what a buncha screw-ups redeemed people (the church) are.  Have heard it said, the Biblical term, sheep, is by no means, a compliment - sheep are really dumb, and have to be watched, constantly.  While am no zoologist, i understand, sheep are so unlike other animals - other animals can live and reproduce in the wild - and maybe make it.  Sheep cannot - they won't get past a few days, let alone raise young.  

And just as seriously, Andrew, your vicious - and grossly unbiblical statement, will only open radical feminism's broad door - that leads to eternal destruction.  Oh, by the way, Paul the Apostle ... ya know, that confirmed bachelor guy - yeah him ...uhm, he said that people who preach a false gospel, "let them be accursed."  O danger, danger - bigtime.  Andrew, not even just another lane on the broad road; anyway, you don't wanna go that way.  Nuh-uh!

Surely, am not the only broad who was headed in that direction.  So many years ago ... oh my goodness, four decades.  Seriously, stood in that upstairs room, and told God off.  But ya know what!  Couldn't hate His Son, Jesus Christ, because Jesus was kind to women - in an age, in a culture where women were generally treated like garbage - especially after committing that certain loathsome sin ... ya know, turning thirty-two ... oh horrors.

Anyway (never mind, it's a miracle, am still alive) had then resolved to be an atheist.  But that only lasted a few weeks - too dry.

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