they sort of know - even in their early 20s - they're basically amazon packages - of merchandise, with a shelf-life of about 10 years. So, being schooled in evolutionary science, ("so called") where you only live once, and life being short, and then you die - like an old tv. Well, why not have some fun (if that's what ya wanna call it) while you can!
Do these riders think about getting old? Probably, being on a modern-day evolutionary-survival mode, broaching the very idea of one day being 30-something, is likely to be abruptly dismissed - sort of how an evangelical atheist dismisses the very concept of eternity, one where BibleGod holds all the cards.
Cad riders also ride cars, busses and trains. So, these still-hot women see wall and post-wall women lugging totes/pushing baby- carriages, and ever rushing to work - only to see their wages going everywhere...with barely a $20 to buy themselves a little reward, for all their work and worry. Yep, the walls appear to have several things in common. Number one: they all look tired, and rather drab. Number two: despondent. And Number three, being on about non-stop survival-mode, the dolls want no parts of that crowd of drudges.
Years ago, when the oldest of today's bloggers were little children, post/wall women took busses into town. Back then, the busstop benches were clean and feet-free; freaky people would have to freak elsewhere - because there was always a cop nearby, who'd run em off. Anyway, the older women could sit on the benches, without fear of ruining their coats and dresses - back then, clothing was expensive and money was tight.
Oh, by the way, back then children, weren't told they were just hairless primates. Many teachers, even unsaved teachers, would start the day with a verse from (King James) Scripture and a pledge to the united states flag - guess in england, the class sang "God Save...[whomever was king or queen]."
Sure, the women back then were busy, and tired, but the lovely floral panels, made a 50 or 60-ish woman appear some years younger and pounds thinner. Generously cut fabric...yeah, good old-fashioned quality, does that.
Here in the 21st century, see it all the time...the same-old shades of ill-fitting drab, accentuating every roll. While putting on pounds is a middle-age thing, whatever happened to privacy? Really, does the world need to know that Sally carries some 20 excess pounds around her midsection?
And by the way, today's everything-in-yer-face-fashion causes our "brothers to stumble" in various directions ... one being mgtow.
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