like milk." Yeah wine does age - and it can age into semi-vinegar. Was reading a post about wine-making; thanks to modern science, the wines of today turn out better than the wines of yesteryear. Back in the old days, much of it didn't turn out so well - only the wealthy got the better stuff. But back then, you made do ... wasn't like you had the choice of four different soft drinks, sweet tea or lemonade. As for the water?? A tall glass of that could give you serious runs, if not worse.
Today's wine is better. Buy a bottle of... whatever, and you can expect that it will taste just like the bottle you served at the last get-together. But still - and maybe it's just me, maybe that "bitter" aftertaste is the alcohol. i don't know, but i do know what vinegar taste like.
As for milk, isn't sour cream milk? Alot of uses for sour cream - on baked taters, and lots of it :) A main ingredient for salad dressings and veggie dips... (homemade stuff, without the INSANE amounts of sugar that goes into everything). Cookies - made from scratch, with half the sugar, where you can actually taste the cookie...whoda thunk;/ Anyway, had to pass up this and that baked goods recipe, because it called for sour milk. Didn't have any fresh milk in the house - let alone any sour milk.
One thing for sure, with sour milk and sour cream: you can pile on the dressing and eat two slices of the cake, and not have to worry about the cops pulling you over.
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging : and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Proverbs 20:1
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