No, the real stench, came from those long-stemmed roses. The ones Linda had raved about - to about everyone she knew. Since her workplace policy forbade pics on-site, she did, however, bring them outside, to a picnic table - belonging to the office next door - and selfied her and them both.
Things would run their course, Joyce knew this - like a roman candle, it emits cascade after cascade of uniquely, beautiful sparks, but then it goes out - its heat-worn shell, when cool, either languishes in a field, or ends up in the trash.
Flowers at work. Unless it's about someone's 40th, or so-n-so just became a gramma...anything much outside of that, just comes off ... showy. Lin's so-called luv was playing her like pseudo-classical. Moms know, ya know. Joyce didn't know luvey-duv's name, but whoever th... he/she/it was, luvey was 35-something - that part, she knew. Messing with a young should be taken out and SHOT!!!
Joyce loaded the dryer, then lit up another cigarette. Above her, read a "NO SMOKING" sign. She glared at it, then flipped it the bird.
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