Friday, April 29, 2022

Gwin, Part 4: she handed the young man his two hotdogs,

"The condiments are to your left."

He turned right, and before he reached the end of the line, the one hotdogs was finished. The other one was on it's way.  The teen appeared promising.  No piercings on neither his face or arms.  A bit chill for a muscle shirt, but teens are teens.  A moment later, he was joined by two of his buddies - who also showed promise.  No piercings.  

Gwin, like the other adults kept a eye on the crowd.  While most were here to enjoy family fun, all wasn't mayberry.   In the next town, a little boy had disappeared during last year's earth day festivities.  Sad to say, probably rust-bottled by now.  Dads and Moms just couldn't be too careful, these days.

Gwin spotted a certain woman who looked out of place.  Yet, she was familiar - familiar enough, to maintain a polite distance.  The woman, approaching middle-age, and from the look on her face, didn't appear too happy about it.  Ellen, that's her name.  She was part of a group ... no wait, she ran the group, the one who made a stink about certain vendors being granted street space.  Oh never mind "Only Christ Missions" paid the same square yardage as the Rotary Club did for theirs.  

So, OCM was selling hotdogs.  They had been selling fries, but the taters had run out an hour ago.  Shades of whatever-color-that-was, glared.  She then was greeted by a friend, they both waved their little us flags, chatted a bit as they walked towards a stand selling glass knick-knacks.  

Moments later, a lull in the crowd, Gwin tidied and restocked the condiments table. 

"Oh, I don't know, Clara." Ellen's voice was nearby, "But I wouldn't be showing my face, if it was my daughter."

Both gossips tittered, making certain they were loud enough to be heard.  A few vendors and waiting customers perked up.  While overwhelmingly, most were polite, to Gwin, the whole episode had been serving the town a juicy morsel for some time now.  

"No, I can't imagine, either.  But then again, but you know how it is:  there's easy women, and there are sluts..." they both tittered again.  The other added: "and tthhheeenn, there's the...ugh, sort of women who sleep with the enemy."

Well that did it.

Gwin, about face, marched over to the two.
"The war is OVER!!! But i guess neither of YOU bothered to check your email!"  

Gwin marched back to her stand, and the two women strolled away, tittering.  

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