at the same time, various words - which i refuse to spell out, because such are just flat out UNGODLY - period! Just take a glance at the Scriptures, and it won't take long to come upon, what the Lord thinks of clay-pottie pride. In other words, when ya think yer better than so-n-so, because yer people came from...wherever, while so-n-so's folks came from ... That's called haughtiness, pride ... and that doesn't sit too well with the King of kings - He holds all the cards.
Anyway, having grown up in a nominal (if even that) christian household, somehow i knew - what a 7 year-oldish mind was not mature enough to articulate - that people who sling the n-word and such, have been - almost to a man (or woman) the sort of people who didn't much trouble themselves to do routine maintenance...ya know, let their grass grow almost a foot, and then beef about the g*d* rain. The same people were the type to let dirty dishes pile in the sink ... oh, and don't even think of opening the frig door. And while yer at it, don't sit anywhere - that is, if there's even any place to sit.
Yep, the same sort of people who would accuse a certain other race of people of being shiftless and lazy, when in fact the accusers took 1st prize in that category.
Was about 7 when i learned in school about slavery. The first thought in my mind was the slave-owners had slaves, because they (the owners) were too lazy to do their own work.
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