Monday, April 25, 2022

Bring your personal drama into the office? Don't be surprised if someone, a few cubes over, gets wind of it, and then

posts the incident on her blog.  Yeah, doing that right now, and could spit bullets.  Our shredder clogger is back in business.  You'd think, after jamming up our shredder - this time, it's so clogged, i can't fix it - el clogger, would have gotten the hint, and bought a shredder for personal use at home.  You'd think...

Nope.  Why, a shredder for use at home costs ... wow we ... like $60 dollars.  Guess you can get them cheaper, but then you end up buying another shredder soon after.  Nope.  Spending money on mere practical stuff, take dollars away from playing rich.  

Uhm, having loosened some of that jammed paper, was able to see a name, and part of a very busy bank statement.  Sitting at the front desk, right by the door...yeah, gonna see things.  Things i wouldn't know about, if they - the handfulls of (plastic coated) papers and eye-catching envelopes were dealt with at home.   By the way, the neither does our office use, nor do the offices with whom we communicate.  So these shredder choakers, do not come from our supply closet, nor that of our business partners.

But that's not the half of it.  Our shredder is down, and of cccoooouuuurrrrssse, it takes special tools to take it apart to clear the jam.  (Heaven forbid, this stuff would be low-hassles to fix, but most stuff is designed by reprobate$ ... and repros be repros, they do what they do.)

Okay, now the other half.

The shredder in the office across the hall is also jammed.  Like. A. Drum.   And the clerk over there, a young man - with better knowledge than i, of tools and such - was working to clear it.  He was even flummoxed with the mini-mountain.

Grandaddy, you were right about ... some things.


  1. Would management care about the problem if it got reported?

  2. Kathy, think it's only a matter of time, when someone who needs to shred actual work-related stuff. Thing is, management is only around so much, and also has to step lightly...political correctness and all. We'll probably have to shell out money to replace both - and purchase a maintenance agreement.
