Monday, January 3, 2022

Viv, Part 2: Phyllis glanced out the window. She shook her head.

Viv didn't have on her coat.  "Yankees, they're crazy."  The church's secretary, missed her home state, but didn't mom warn her about marrying a yankee.  Phyllis, reached for her scarf; the room was cold, the building was cold, she was cold - she was always cold.  Half the time, even in summer.  She took a sip of her coffee.  "Goodnight," she muttered, "just poured that, some three seconds ago."

Viv, drove out of the lot.  Sweep-Store-n-More was but, what 10 minutes away?   She got there, ran in, bought the bags, and a few other things.  On the way out of the store, she had recalled a train of thought - something she had decided to study out.  Hhmm, Viv pondered, she'd start in...well, the beginning.  Her mind played back to what she'd already read, some notes on the kitchen table, or was the page laying beside her keyboard?

Oh, here's a place I can sit for a bit, Viv thought to herself.  She felt tired, and just needed to sit for a moment.  She placed the package on the cold metal, half-sleety table located a few yards from one of the entry lanes.  

An incoming customer was concerned at the sight, of the coatless borderline-elderly woman, who seemed to be staring into space, while recounting something.  The customer, approached the woman, "Maam?"  The old woman stared for a minute then began to lay her head on the table.  The younger woman immediately pulled off her coat, covered the elder, and dialed 911.

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