Saturday, November 6, 2021

New i phones came out recently - 12 or 13, just a year ago,

it was either the 11 or 12.  Oh, i don't know, all's i know is that my co-worker had to order them for the field-team.  And, of courssse, last year's cases don't fit this year's phones.  "Embracing change?"  Uhm, no, sometimes change needs to be taken back behind the woodshed.  Needful to say, last year's stuff will shortly end up in a landfill - more rape of mother gaia ... where's the outcry?  

Other office news:  the shredder is jammed again - bigtime!  Yep, someone brought another handful of (plastic-coated) junk-mail pii from home.  Same person, per the last time?  Don't know.  But i know this:  shredders jam, that's what they do.  You'd think the designers would take that fact into consideration...yeah, they evidently do ;/  Heaven forbid, that - after paying out the ying-yang - that a person could actually be able to keep it clear, without a lot of drama.  But i get it: a mix of plain old greed, and liability issues (greed).  All's i know is, peewee needs to buy his (or her) own shredder for personal junk-mail.  


  1. Seems strange that a commercial shredder jams so easily. I have a not too expensive home shredder that will even shred a credit card.

  2. Dear Anonymous, i'll bet when you use your shredder, you take care of it ... by not shredding all sorts of plastic covered mailings at once.

    Thing is still jammed.
