to find out. If world powers wanted to get together, they could make it happen, within minutes. Of course, the world's kings and princes are not interested, in whether or not, joe will be walking his dog, or if charlie will be headed crossing the street, on his way to the little coffee shop there on the corner. And the power-brokers don't care that alice's little green toyota isn't parked in the usual spot.
Forty years ago, that stop light, there on the corner didn't have cameras - but if it did, it sure wasn't hooked up to the world wide web. So, if leaders had wanted to spy on the residents of PoDunk, the little unmanned space craft would have to be in range, or they'd have to plan ahead some, and send for another.
Not so today. Just a few mouseclicks.
Over the last 1900-some years, lots of head scratching on that one ... that the entire planet could see two guys, on the street, that very second.
Eighty years ago, there was no nation of israel. All the jews were either living elsewhere, or getting out of dodge and looking for someplace else, where they could live and work ... reasonably hassle free.
As for the weird weather, the scoffers will say, (with a sneer of course :/ ) "but we always had crazy weather ... dust bowl anyone?" Uhm, that wasn't too long ago, 90-some years, and neither were both world wars.
One of the many things, the scoffers just don't get is: Scripture is quite clear that we are to watch for the end of days, because it's coming. And Scripture is also quite clear, that we are not suppose to sit around and fancy ourselves able to predict when those end of days will happen.
So, scoffers :) , the trib may not happen for another 500 years ... or that may kick off in 5 years. All's i know is, the Bible says "watch."
Break over, back to the yard work.
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