Sunday, September 5, 2021

Some boomer (off-line, in real life) was braying at me about the big pile of money in that individual's account. And yeah,

the conversation was rattling in my head as i made my way down the strip mall, in the direction of the dollar store.  Rather bummed out by it - and some car-trouble?  You betcha.  

Then i remembered Asaph (the choir master, during King David's time - Psalm 73).  So green monster about high-tailed it oudda there - yep, ol' greenoid doesn't care to be reminded of Scriptural reality.

Anyway, reason for this short post:  if it weren't for Scripture - actually reading the Bible, atleast sometimes :0 ... wouldn't have known about Asaph, who REALLY!!! got bummed out, and almost fell out ... uhm, like going apostate (yikes). 

But the real major reason for this post is:  there are places, where even having a Bible (secretly kept in the bottom drawer, beneath an old sweater) can get you serious jail-time.  Jail-time, even if that Bible never leaves the (dingy) apartment.  So, we're not talking about some guy going...oh horrors, street preaching.  In some places, you risk your very life by even mentioning the Lord Jesus, or a line or two of His Bible, during a private conversation. 

So, how do people who either don't have - or don't want - Scripture in their lives, deal with the green monster when it comes - and it will come - to call?  Answer to that is:  without the Bible, people getting narc'd by greenoid, have, really, no other choice but to submit (one way or another) to the precepts of social darwinism.  The so-called "winners" find ways to wheel and deal...ya know, pay chinese workers about nothing - for 12 hours in hot stinky factories.  And the so-called "losers" will just go on despising themselves - and their families - and try to drown their troubles in booze/drugs/vile movies.

Am continually amazed at how judgy, intolerant and misery-making life (ugh, if that's what ya wanna call it) outside of Christ usually is.  As for Christ rejecters, who are living high on the hog (on the aching backs of chinese workers) it's all a ruse...yep, Asaph's eyes were opened, when he entered the temple.  

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