Sunday, September 19, 2021

One positive thing about covid is, no longer having to feel guilty about calling

off sick.  Hope that doesn't happen - period!  Am saving that leave, it's like having a savings account.  Anyway, before covid, whenever coming down with the flu, positively hated having to make that call.  While have always had the blessing of decent bosses, still, come from a place where, you don't call off, unless you're about on your death bed.

Sure, a little ache or pain, won't keep me from work, but colds and flu ... they're just gross.  You feel like crap, the day drags.  Hani-sani or no, sooner or later, you're bound to touch something, right after blowing your nose - something like a finance folder, the office printer, elevator button, another file drawer, hole puncher, supply cabinet ... ew!

Back when i first started, one of the old-timers was telling me, before computers, the floors were a sea of desks and papers.  If the person behind you sneezed, you might feel the mist.  Back then (early 1980s) you only called off if you were running a high fever - like 103, and couldn't stand up.  So, the sickness would run wild throughout the whole office, and onto other floors, other buildings.

How did we survive back then?

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