Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Old Guy shambled into his unit, he noticed the volume sitting atop the bookshelf, and paused

a moment.  He specifically remembered putting the Book back in its usual spot.  Yep, old guy had always been sort of a neat freak.  Anyway, he parked the bag of groceries he had carried in, upon the kitchen counter.  As he unpacked and put away the package of hamburg rolls, a small bag of mint candies, a quart of milk, a pound of burger, a dozen glazed donuts, and a can of coffee, he pondered some questions.  Questions for which, it was just as well the Book sat where it was.  He'd be reading from it within the hour.  

Oh, it felt good to have real heat again, old guy extended his hands toward the vent, then poured his coffee and ate a second donut.  

What was with all those dots, that people were getting on their foreheads anyway?  He had even seen, and had heard them affectionately referred to as "The Mark,"  and even, "My Beastie Button" - the latter posted all over various social-sites, even making inroads onto the few no-frills sites old guy visited.  And needless to say, nearly everybody seemed to be gushing (and a bit much) over Sir William Dorr.  How did that happen?  Billy boy wasn't even british...   He flipped on the plasma to catch the weather; hoping for word that the storm would fizzle down before approaching the southeast - Sis lived not too far from the coast, and the area had already had its fill of storm drama.

Speak of the devil, instead of real news, (as wanting as such was) Billy boy was center stage - going on about whatever usual goody-goody global fluff.  There was something familiar about billy boy - if old guy hadn't known any better, he'd of thought sir billy boy was the same creep who'd sold him that piece of crap bush hog, back in ... whenever.

Anyway, back in 2021, shift is about to befon.

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