Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Old Guy, continued - Karl Marx was the wait, Adolph Hitler was the wait,

slick willie was the wait, Bill Gates...  Anyway, our old guy was sure glad he had listened to that ( sermon, from around 2020.  The preacher had explained that, not even the smartest Bible scholar - the devil himself - had that knowledge.  But the devil is a planner - more so than any Gates or Bezos could ever hope to be.  In short, old guy, though full of questions, was in good company - since, there had been, throughout history, more than a few solid, brilliant thinking men of God, who had questions as to whether pre-trib, mid or late - or somewhere inbetween - the Lord would come and rescue His Church from ... the melodrama.  

From what old guy had read in Revelations, it seemed that taking the Mark didn't happen until after alot of really bad quakes had happened - and forget about the one that just happened up north.  That one was really bad - a point 9-something.  But no mountains moved ... no wait, the best end of an entire side of pilk's peak now lay where a lake used to be.  Other than that ... per the news.  But that's anyone's guess.  Still, per the only trustworthy news - i.e., the B-I-B-L-E - the whole planet will be an obvious geo-MESS before the antichrist causes about everyone to take the Mark. 

So, what's with all the dot-matrix places popping up?  And all the forehead and right hand selfies all over the media, the cutsie names ... the latest, being "My Little Dragon Dropping."   Ugh!  It had been way more than enough, when that Robin had taken a dump, right in the front of old guy's Red Sox cap.

Lunch over, back to 2021.

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