Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Google news: 1918 pandemic.

Out of a global pop of around 1,800,000,000, 50,000,000 died from it.  That's about 3% of the pop.  Needless to say, back then, many urban areas did not have decent waste disposal systems.  So, if you were a factory worker, or a miner - working like a half-starved magey dog, while your employer was hosting lavish balls ... on your bowed back ...

Recent covid stats here in the US: pop is about 330,000,000.  Covid deaths are about 675,000.  That is less than 1/4 of 1% of the US pop.  While the 1918 plague was age blind, covid usually targets people in their 60s and above.  And yes, young people have died from it also - young people are getting things, which a generation or so ago, went after middle aged and older people; things like diabetes and such - because parents are half afraid (and wisely so) of letting their kids go up the street to run and play.

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