Saturday, September 25, 2021

Epilogue: Some ten minutes before - pimples walked into the church house. He and his folks were almost late ... the car, it was quitting.

Yep, that's all mom and pop needed.  Well, they made it.  Thank You Lord Jesus.  It was beginning to sleet - not a good situation to be stranded in.  They took a seat.  The kid's mom laid a throw on her husband's lap.  He wasn't doing so well - heart issues.  

About half way through the sermon, pimply began to feel funny.  Kind of faint, his vision turned - well for a second or so - but long enough to see the people around him start to appear more like mist.  Out of the corner of his eye, his hands appeared the same.

They were gone.  Maybe a dozen or so had been in the building, but only two or three remained - one which was a recent plant.  
A job that paid abysmally - that was, until you could get results.  That could take a year or so.  And the hours involved, of having to fake-friend - ugh! with such boring, ya wanna slap the eff silly people.  Yeah, one of those gigs usually taken up by the comfortably retIred, and don't need the money sort of.

Millennials!  They made the ex interrogator fuming, hopping mad.


but the Beginning, for the Bride of Christ

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