Friday, September 24, 2021

Becky took the shot, and yeah, for about two days, she felt somewhat achey, but slogged it off to work. She took the shot, because,

well, at 35, she was nowhere near retirement.  In short, her employer basically said this: "Get the shot, or get another job ... and good luck with that (neh, neh, neh)." Yeah, there was an underLYING tone about the on-very-short-notice memo - are we very surprised :/  Anyway, for Becky, she had to do what she had to do - onward and upward.

A few years later.

Wow, did things get really weird - fast!  As if things weren't weird enough, a few years back, when all that covid drama had kicked off.  Oh yeah, by the mid to late 20s, the masks laid in landfill piles - among mountains of empty hani-sani bottles, and other such covid gear.  Hardly a word said about it, as if covid had never happened.  

But hardly a word was spoken about much else either - that is, any bit of conversation that mattered.  Was the same-old, same-old (societal skitzo) on overdrive...ya know, only a few topics being acceptable - the weather, being one ... but not speaking or keying any questions outside of what was reported.  And certainly, NOT asking why there were so many droughts, floods, quakes (which were not called quakes, but "geo events").  Many in places, which like ten or twenty years ago, didn't happen.

If you did ask, you'd surely be quickly invalidated as the proverbial old red-neck with a 4th grade education.  Like Becky's Dad.

Qwik summary on the old dude.  He had done everything the namby-pamby-always-in-yer-business-nanny-state had told him to do.  He got the shot, he junked his truck (though it ran just fine) and financed an eco-mobile (not that he had the 80-some K just lying in a half rusted coffee can somewhere).  But he had to get around.  At 70-something, still working ... because he had to.  In short, the constant upgrades to things ... 

He had been saying, shortly before he died ... oh, that's a separate post, as to the very real possibility that he was, uhm ... pushed.  Anyway, he had made a statement,  something about cell phones having, in past years, lasting over five years.  Well, the sales rep, basically laughed in his face, replying with some smug-ars'd you-need-to-adapt-to-the-times bs.

To make a long story short, this forced "adapting" ... come on, you need a phone to keep in contact with your customers, and you need transportation to get to your JOB.  Anyway, all these greed-motivated cha-cha-changes, put that hard-working old man waay too near poverty.

And of ccooourrrssse, per any news site, any article dealing with finance, always invalidated financially troubled individuals with one or more causes:  if it wasn't sloth, it was mismanagement; if it wasn't overspending (for whatever reason - legit or not) it was substance abuse or gambling.  Well, the old dude would puff a cigar or drink a beer here and there - and maybe buy a lottery ticket, or a 50-50.  So, the talking heads, once again, don't know what the eff they're talking about.

But them reprobates always have atleast one other card up their sleeve - always.

You see, the old dude didn't have much of an education.  He barely graduated high-school.  Needless to say, he had no college.  Nope.  He went to work - paid his bills, paid off his house, and saved what he could.  Oh, but with worldlings, minding your own business, doing your job, that's not enough.  Because, with reprobates, it's NEVER enough.

The old dude's financial drama was ALL his fault, because he didn't finance a 200k college loan - for a curriculum he couldn't honestly handle ... but we know the old story, about where nice guys finish.  And oh, never mind, he took care of his wife - Becky's mom - when she had that cancer. 

That whole episode raises more questions - uhm, the woman never smoked.

Anyway, more later.  i godda go to work.

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