Saturday, September 25, 2021

Becky, Part 8 - The passenger side window ... it's amazing how the Lord works things out,

in the nick of time.  That small gap in her window, was becoming yet, what she thought would be, another hassle - with cold weather coming on, and all.  It was only, maybe a sixth of an inch, but enough to let in cold air, and her car heater ... meh, was ... well, not the greatest.

Just when Becky began to question that maybe she needed to ... as they say, go along to get along, perhaps, that old book could be in fact, just a collection of old desert fables.  But she dismissed any thoughts, besides the fact that she had to get somewhere immediately after work.  

She got into her car, threw her purse on the passenger seat.  That's when she noticed a small white envelope laying on the floor, by the console.   It was as if, a still small voice told her to forget about whatever or wherever she had to be - and, instead, just get right home.  She placed the little unopened envelope in her purse, and drove directly to her driveway.

Inside was a brief letter, unsigned.  But she recognized the handwriting.  Basically, all it said was, "Whatever you do, don't take 'it.'"

Well, talk about scales falling to the floor!  For the ... for lack of better terms, the fun - no, better yet, the JOY of it, she reached for her little sweeper and ran it over the "scales" then, emptied the basically empty sweeper's hopper into the trashcan that sat outside on the back porch - which was hardly a porch at all ... but whatever - (overpriced) townhouse units be townhouse units.

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