Sunday, March 21, 2021

On another blog was an interesting post, about wills, short: shoe-leather. But there was something else i noticed,

and that took me back some 30 years - when us boomers were working.  At some training seminar,  the instructor asked us to raise our hand if we had any children - don't know if you can even ask that question these days.  Anyway, most of is were in our 30s and 40s; half, if that, raised their hands.  The boomer-blog post has, at this time, ten commentors and four of the individuals have no children, most of them, apparently are married; words like "husband" and "wife."  Didn't see that confusing "partner" - what does that mean anyway?  Playing house, and expecting people to equate that "arrangement" with the real deal?  Married, but intimidated by shack-up/weirdo personal-politics?  Gaag.

Anyway, will check back later to see if there's more comments.  And will check back to another very thought provoking boomer-blog post - that concerns the widening of the have's verses the have-not's; at this time, only a few posts.  Thought both blogs would have bu-ku comments by now.  They were both posted on Friday - guess with spring, people are doing yard work and such.  Yep.

Anyway, one of the no-kids commentors had retired from a nice job, and owns two houses - and i don't think she is alone in that nice know, a lifetime of diligence, of making smart decisions, that sort of thing (never mind, that particular form of common grace, bestowed by our Lord).  She said that home #2, in the sunny south, was made possible through an inheritance - sorta sounds like an in-law, the couple had inherited from the husband's aunt.  

The making plans article was focused on just that - making plans...instead of just letting family scramble with about no information.  Another one of the commentors mentioned that over one out of three boomers have made no arrangements; needful to say, that's likely because over 1/3 of boomers have less than 10k in savings.  And 10 thousand isn't much at all.


  1. Yep, me checking back. It's been atleast another day, not much of an increase in the two interesting blog posts. Have noticed something else, posts more than a few days old tend to not receive additional comments - it's as if, posts which are more than a few days old, become "yesterday's news." Which reminds me of an article i read, back in the earlier internet days - about writing away more serious than who ya voted for or what you baked for some picnic.
    Way more serious.

    Basically, the article's writer was disturbed about how science was being done; he said that older science journals were being ignored by scientists - as if something written back in 1960s no longer had any relevance. Yeah, things change, but not everything changes - and if we're told to believe in non-stop cchhhanngge...uh, smells like a set-up.

  2. Would like to know which blogs you reference for context.

  3. Dear Anonymous, over at the sidebar of

    Smart living 365

    And the other site is

  4. Retirement with a view

    Forgot to add the title in the previous comment.

  5. Thanks. It's nice to be able to relate better to your observations.
