was one of the more expensive ones. Uhm, yeah, wanted one that would hold up for the next 15 years or so. Oh, come to think of it, might not be around long enough for it to need replaced. And yeah, the pocketbook was what you'd expect an old lady to carry around. Funny that it took me less than fifteen minutes to spot it, buy it, and go my way. Guess old bags need handbags, but not coats or sweaters that actually keep a body warm - or regular blouses that are fit to wear to the office.
The last blouse purchased in a better department store was over 10 years ago. It was white and all cotton - it was also about $80, but was grateful to have found it. Over these last few years, all's you see are t-shirts that, maybe, reach 3 inches (if that) below the waist. And before the scoffers would write this post off as just some old broad (who needs to get off th' eff off th' effing planet)... sorry, repros (not sorry one bit) back in young slender days, detested immodest JUNK!!! fashion with a flaming passion - would get so irate. Ya know, just looking for regular clothing.
Back in the 80s, the fashion was "bigtops." They were ugly things - and they didn't go well with skirts ... of course they didn't go well with skirts. Back then, and even decades prior, feminine clothing for everyday wear was systematically (diabolically) being phased out.
Am old enough to remember the mid 60s. Even then, the clothing available for old women was too skimpy, and so only MOCKED old women's bodies - for no better reason than ... that's what wickeds in high (and low) places do - very willingly obey their demonic handlers. Proof? Check out the early chapters of Psalms - and plenty of other books in the Bible. The Lord said it, go mock Him - yeah, and good (long-term) luck with that :/
Anyway, the last decade (old) women's storebought clothing was nice, was the 1950s. The dresses were long and full enough to be lovely, but practical enough for women to get things done - sweeping, gardening, laundry. Those dresses were not only old-friendly, but added much grace to women who ... uhm, liked a bit overmuch the cookies and pies they made in their kitchens.
Fashion was far better in the 90s and 80s. I have to special order to even get the big dresses I need. Too much tight clothing. Someone told me manufacturing mainstreamed and consolidated so the clothing became far more alike. They obviously are doing the cost cutting thing with fabric. I remember how FUN fashion was when I was young. I was poor but even during some years of poverty saved up money to get some flowered dresses. I remember these crepe dresses that were light, and sturdy. I wore them until they wore out. Wish I could find some. I found a dress I wore in the early 2000s in a thrift store, only a 4X but had a big skirt so I could fit in it. [smaller on top, I even own a 2X dress with a big skirt that fits me] So much life quality has sunk, the clothing is boring now. I think my outfits are better then most because they are ordered and special made by a special fat women company. I need big clothes in general.
ReplyDeleteDear Peeps, back in the 90s, the dresses were attractive, sturdy enough and were cut generously, and still fit decently some 25 pounds later. :) The clothing nowadays seems to screech, "we hate you (humans). And yeah, i take that very personally - because that's precisely how the fashion fascists feel about the people who buy their junk - and make their yacht parties possible. So, needless to say, my clothes are old.