Monday, November 2, 2020

Now that was really creepy! A very famous man had passed away, back in 70.

According to wikipedia, he was an atheist, but if i'm not mistaken, another article said the famous man was annoyed at that particular label - he was not an atheist, he was agnostic.  Needful to say, and it's rather stating the obvious, he had no time for Jesus Christ - and the famous man thought christians were a brainless bunch.  Yeah, whatever!

The famous man had lived to 98.  Wow!  Reason i care not to post the man's name is, because having seen, on the internet - a few years back - the last, or next to last, photograph taken of him.  In his eyes, was a look of despair fixing to settle in.  But, hey, even godly people (like King David) are known to get a bit skeered of death (around Psalms 50).  So, the sad-ish look in the famous man's eyes, isn't what creeped me out.

i choose not to list the man's name, because of what my mind's ear heard, while looking at that picture.  Hate to post this, but heard what i heard, and it sounded like the high-pitched chirping/clicking stirr of insects of the eternal night.  

Can only hope, the sound was just a few other-worldly bullies messing with me - happens... they do that to people, (both saved and lost) from time to time.  Can only hope, what i heard wasn't actually an echo of the evil spirits' anticipation of feasting on the man.  From what i understand, he went into eternity rejecting Christ - but i don't know, i'm neither that famous 20th century man - wasn't at his deathbed, didn't read his last letters - nor am i his Judge.

All's i know is, there's far more people who fall into a Christless eternity, than are redeemed people - for whom the Holy angels come and fetch them to the Lord's heavenly kingdom.

Found the Scripture about what King David had gone through - yay!

"My heart is sore pained within me : and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.  Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me."
Psalm 55:4-5


  1. So a man arriving at a different conclusion, deserves eternal hell and suffering just for what he believes using his own brain and experiences which does affect our beliefs, and your sociopath God wants to toast him and hurt him for a zillion years. your God is evil. Sorry. I cannot worship the monster. if I die and I got it wrong, I have empathy for those being harmed in hell, your God has none.

  2. Dear Peeps, have also wrestled with the reality of eternal hell for temporal sins...the sort that (seemingly) don't affect anyone else. But how we see things on this side, (think it was Paul who said, "through a glass darkly" and how we'll see things on the other. Anyway, i didn't create the universe. Peeps, i don't know a whole lot, but it was in the spring of 2010, i realized that the Word is true, and i was in an eternal jam. That wasn't fun.
    The "joy" the Bible speaks of sounds like quiet peace of mind - and not that happy-clappy rubbing it in, even to the stressed mickey-d's cashier (who has a long line of customers).
    Glad i did business with Christ, on His terms - not mine - back then, before getting too old/hardened. At that time, i hadn't read much of Scripture, but somehow, i knew, this was the last call - that had i ignored the Holy Spirit, as before, He would never bother me again. Yikes!
    So, i acknowledge Christ on Christ's terms, because i don't want to roast in hell forever??? You betcha! Humans don't like to suffer, that's why Jesus Christ warned people about the wrath to come, as if to jump-start dead brains.
    So, here in 2020, progressively getting ready, to (hopefully), when that time comes, to go quietly into the day.
