men will become "lovers of themselves"... First thought came to mind, while going over my budget was a co-worker - who has been planning for his retIrement for some time. How will he pull it off? Think he makes about the same as i, but i think he's been a super-saver for alot of years.
Frankly, i believe one reason why people don't want anything to do with Christ is: being faithful costs money! Plain. And. Simple! Money that goes into the plate/missions is money that does NOT go into a (worldly) retIrement account - nor does that money pay down sheltering expense (mortgage, repairs and such).
Atheists can live how they want (think that's the main bait). They don't have to give one. single. dime. to nobody, for nothing. Atheists can hoard every last nickel for themselves. And sure, many atheists do give a few bucks here and there to save spotted owls and kitty-cats - with some fanfare (while joe-missionary quietly labors for Christ in some really nasty slum).
Weird, tons of athiests have helped me out. I knew two nice Christians who did too, so yes some Christians are helpful but I know many atheists who are giving. Actually most Christians are meaner, and judgemental of the poor. Republican party teaches them poor are lazy and deserve it. I am treated far better being poor, in liberal circles. I wish I did not waste 16 years with rotten people who treated me like I was dirt for not having the white picket fence house and children. Scripture well, I used to believe in it, tells fables that do not work out in real life. Going to a 2,000 year old book for life's answers did not work. There is some decent wisdom in the bible like love thy neighbor and other religious themes and teachings of Jesus but a lot of it is nonsense too. A lot sets people up. You are right being faithful does cost money, many do not fit into the Christian world. There's no place in the evangelical world for younger [Gen X] people who have not lived the boomer house lifestyle. Can't pay that 10 percent tithe move forth and so on. The Christianity lifestyle with the homeschooling, canning, 10 percent tithe to church isn't financially available to people doing gig employment or working minimum wage. Oh poor younger people don't need to hear about what losers they are from trickle down Republican boomers who think it's still the 1970s.
ReplyDeleteDear Peeps, whenever i hear a preacher verbally strong-arm (financially distressed) people to tithe,,,uh, sounds like there's a conference fixing to start in a really nice hotel, in a distant city. Yeppers, methinks homeboy is raring to vaca. Yeah, i get it, it takes money to feed the poor, support missionaries, keep the church-house lights on. i just have a major problem funding other people's vacations - haven't been on one for quite a while.