Thursday, May 28, 2020

Well, that's no surprise. The radio station that my co-worker pays good money so that she can enjoy

the easy-listening (top 40 - of course...) sounds of the 70s and 80s.  Think it runs around 30ish a month, don't know.  But i know this, a song was playing, and near the end, a fine orchestra plays.  And here's the no-surprise:  the typically jabbering jock cut it off - yeah, ended the song, guess because running his yap took priority.  Silly, silly me...i thought that's why people paid good money to hear their favorite top-40 songs from yesteryear - ya know, the entire 3.5 minutes.  Guess not ;/   Thirty-i$h a month!  Ha, i wouldn't fund the b*tards with a crumpled $5 - even if i liked top-40.

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