which dispatches (financial) worries straightaway down the crapper, where they belong. Seriously, lady, yaay you! But not everyone shares your (ultimate) reality. Uh, if i remember correctly, even Paul - PAUL!!! - worried at times whether or not he'd finish with shield in hand - or end up being carted home upon it. Anyway, i'm just one of many sorry-arses who struggle. In other words, i'm not singing happy-hymns all the day long.
Guess it's easier to let the world go its way when you're young. Come to think of it, it's far easier to learn the metric system or Spanish at 10, than it is at 60. At the store was a bag of dry-goods that i had considered buying, but the label was written in Spanish, so i didn't know if it was that bleached/enriched stuff - that i don't overly trust.
i was raised in a social-darwinistic environment - secular calvinism, to th' nth degree, babah! In a jam? Well, too bad for you, you should have ... bla bla bla! Yeah, OK Herbert Spencer ;/ No, neither he nor charles were discussed or quoted. The works of those two didn't have to be, their watered down phIlo$ophies came through the TEEVEE - like backed up sewage during a freak rain storm. So the stench is hard to get rid of.
"Nothing new under the sun." So i'm not alone in this.
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