Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Billing by e-mail. What...! These cheapoid corporations are too stingy to hire billing clerks, that's what.

Old me, was watching my mailbox, waiting for that bill to arrive, so i could write the check and get it out of my hair.  No bill.  So i called them - and per Godly miracle, i wasn't subjected to that "your-call-is-very-important-to-us" line of bull-crap.  The operator, a real person, picked up like within a minute.  He told me i had been signed on to the e-billing, and then he straightened that out to put me on real billing (i.e., statement comes in the mailbox).  He even said that e-bills tend to get buried.

By the way, the bill is for something basic and important.  Ya know, if you don't pay yer cable teevee, they cut ya off - and unless you pay an insane reconnect fee, you are denied having sewage pouring into yer home.  But you still have your lights, water, heat...

E-bills.  Worse than cheapskate.  Being in debt is a fast-track to confusion - which is precisely where evil wants ya.  Being in debt means that if ya miss one payment, the handlers - who claim they wanna help...yeah, they wanna help alright - help themselves to yer stuff.  And then there's the ridiculous servIce charge$.

Come on, who hasn't sent in a late payment / or has written a rubber check at one time or another?  Back in the day (raspy old voice) there was something called mercy.  Now-a-days it's like there's an active hope to see regular people financially stumble - and then preach at em (in subtle mocking tones, of course).

Got to get ready for work.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Dear FilmNew18, didn't click. Any film with xxx gives me the willies.
