Monday, November 25, 2019

Why the previous post? Well, it all started yesterday, when i cracked a jest about some old woman's flower bush, that wouldn't flower.

Made the statement that it must have had gender-identity issues - the blooms consistently would not get past the bud stage.  Well, the woman with whom i was chit-chatting, adamantly stated that she doesn't judge - wow, was thinking to myself, what-th'-flock!! just happened here ;/

Them pervs got about everybody just plain skeered - of even expressing a personal opinion concerning human sexuality during a private conversation - that's what happened here!  No tv cameras were around, and our smart-phones were in our respective pocketbooks - uh, when one is driving, cellphones belong put a.w.a.y!!!  Oopsie-woopsie, i'm judging.

Yeah, there's history.  Years before them sickoids started demanding that the 90% hetero REST-OF-US submit to their really-twisted definition of Marriage...yeah, back in the 90s, i was pro-gay.  Oh, and by the way, back then, i wanted NO PARTS of the Bible (didn't like the Lord one bit, back then, thought He was intolerant - and misogynist). 

Anyway, the gays were beefing about something, and i cannot recall what they were upset about.  But it wasn't the first time the gay-agenda people were snit-fitting.  Anyway, the following thought came to mind: no matter how much heteros accept (and bend) it will never be enough.

Little did i know (or even care) back then, that the Bible is fact - Sodom, Gibea.  Uh, those guys were fixing to bust down the door - doesn't sound tolerant to me.

Speaking of not judging, my car is a clunker.  Your car is so fine.  i think i'll just take it, and you can have mine - uh yeah, it needs a new axle and some serious body -putty. 

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