popular bloggers, please disregard this post ;) because, you do actual, statistical research - and that's why you have a wide readership. i am just a cyber-sidestreet of a sidestreet blogger, and that just suits me fine.
Blabbing on the net is, content where names are used, and proof is really sketchy, at best. Blabbing is, barging onto blogs - including stephanie's 7th century Hungarian pottery blog-ring, and blabbing stuff that's well sort of related, but not really. Congressman Joseph Snurd's latest antics isn't over a vase he received from a CEO, while a aboard some other CEO's yacht. And anyway, the vase was made in Italy, during the mid 1950s.
i like coming here because i can express things, and if this blog attracts a few people who stop in every now and then...yay. On another blog, written by someone who DOES research, the writer made a quip on one of his posts about having a single-digit readership. He didn't care, he writes worthwhile things. And if nobody else is interested, then nobody else is interested. He posts on his blog, anyway.
There are places where, when you log on, sure your writing will be seen - for atleast a second or two - by alot more people and groups. You may get enough hits to draw in advertisers - enough to pay your cyber-bill. But there's a rope attached. Your comings and goings are monitored even closer.
Popularity is a house of cards, in a house that needs weather stripping on its windows and doors. Our nation's people are losing their freedom to express things that are not politically correct. Like why health insurance is so dern expensive. And then those real estate and related taxes are insssanne! Yep, that's where it's coming from.
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