Friday, May 24, 2019

Just listened to a few rather disturbing sermons. Didn't sleep too well last night,

but that's another post.  Now, these sermons are from the King James - the other "Bibles" give me the willies - anyway, the KJV preacher was describing how the wicked provoke, then twist their victim's responses.  Oh yeah, even i have read enough Scripture to know, the Bible is replete with warnings to steer clear of wicked people, because those monstrosities will bring ya down.

Yet, in his sermon, he was going on like we're supposed to non-stop take crap from wickeds, while going about happy-clappy.  Gag me with a ladle!  No wonder people apostasize. 

Yeah, Jesus didn't tell off his persecutors.  Uh, Jesus knew exactly who He was.  We ain't Jesus, not anywhere close!  We're just a buncha screwups - and boy oh boy, i take the prize.

Peeved, because papers seem to get away from me, and i am normally organized and tidy with things.  Yeah, i could ask the Lord's help, but am often too proud to ask Him for things regarding money.  That is sin.  Having been left in somewhat of a lurch...oh well, inhales to be me.  The preacher did however point out how many "husbands" really don't give a flyin' flip about the welfare of their families.  Well golly-gee, no wonder women wax feminatzi.

Plain don't want to ask anyone else for any sort of help.  People will and DO let ya down, and frankly, they can all take their agendas and go eff themselves.

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