they know one or more widows, and heard about several others? While many men PROVIDE for their wives, many don't. For whatever reasons - more like excuses, it's no wonder (smart) women make sure to keep a card or two up their sleeve. i hate to say this, but it's true, way too many men are (next to) worthless.
Meanwhile the "manosphere" is growing in popularity (and so are 30 year old "men" sponging off in aunt selma's basement). And, while peewee's collective bellyaching (instead of WORKING) isn't likely to draw much attention from our nation's leaders, (except for maybe a few laughs) i have no desire to remain silent, as those good-fer-nuthin effers run down women - uh, 'cause no half-decent woman wants much, if anything, to do with them slackers.
Dutch treat - my foot! Oh, but they want the fornication. Dear "thots," stay away from the grimy lot of 'em. You can do way better - and get a half-decent dinner. We women are not moochers; we are women. Men are supposed to take care of us. Cause if men won't get off their rusty-dustys, and step up their "game" (another term the misogs like to bandy about) then the tax-payers will have to.
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