Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How many of those "post-wall" / "cat ladies" are widows?

Ya know, women who had been MARRIED, who had been wives to Men.  Has to be really tough for young and middle-aged women.  At 60-something, things are different.  And yeah, there's drugs for that (and those drugs may be portals for devils to come through...uh, no thanks).  Whether those "drugs" contain a(least one) hellish ingredient or not, widows are no longer wives.  So, per that aspect of life, that's like O-V-E-R!  Oh, and Lord Jesus, please keep that hedge high, thick and solid - just because i am, by nature, a stuck-up old broad, doesn't mean i could nevah end up stooping (stupiding) to being sweet-talked into ... ew!

Uh, yeah, red-piller's, there ARE a few lady-mgtows.  Lady-mgtows, because their Husbands now lay in a box, in the graveyard.  And - besides that unmarried intimacy is a major sin (do ya really wanna flip off the King of kings?) there's nobody who can even begin to fill your late Husband's shoes...  Uh, so why settle.  Yeah, you red-pill pathetics, your market value ain't so great either...inhales when your rubbish gets thrown back in your sneering little mugs, don't it ;)

Yeah, i didn't just fall off a melon-truck; I know there's widows (and more than a few) who are supplementing their income per their late Husband's provisioning, while having moved in/fornicating with some boyfriend.  Uh, ain't that - uh, at the very, very least - cheatin' the gubment?

And yeah, (if someone happens upon) this little rant, it's bound to ruffle some feathers/stamp a few toes.  Well, guess what: too bad so sad - now ask me if i give a hoot ;)

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