Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Preachers can say what they will about Margaret Sanger.

All's i know is, she worked as a nurse in the slums, where women - whose drunkard husbands refused to put aside the booze and provide at least a reasonably decent life for their wives and children.  Per the red-pill whine-line, Always men's fault??  YOU BETCHA!  Comes down to these king-babies wanting patriarchy's perks - a cold beer served to him, while he relaxes upon his lazy-boy - but none of the responsibilities; none of the time and work. involved in being a father.   

It took a for-real preacher's sermon to expound the following Scripture - that taking care of the kids isn't just mom's responsibility.  "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Ephesians 06:04.  Oh, there's more.  "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."  Deuteronomy 06:07.  This verse is reiterated in Deuteronomy 11:19, almost word for word.  Hmmph, when Scripture mentions something only once, that's more than cue enough for us clay pee-pots to listen up.  But twice - and in the same book...?

Yeah, how about that!

Have read that Margaret Sanger was a racist.  Not sure of this, because people are known to misrepresent, if not lie - even saved people have been known launch half truths, and false accusations (same difference) because they don't like somebody's socio-politics.  Though the difference between the saved and the lost is: the former will get convicted by the Holy Spirit, and the later will go on making self righteous excuses.  The things this woman had seen, just terrible - any one, with any heart, would get upset, and want to fight back.  Oh yeah!

A century ago, racism was rampant - and we can thank too many preachers and elders who didn't, Scripturally, call out racism for what it is : the sin of pride - yeah, studying Scripture takes effort ;/  Back in those (bad old) days, of course, preachers and elders didn't want to honk off the local white-sheeted pointy-hood society.

Were not the Hebrews reminded, more than once, they'd been on racism's receiving end?  Deuteronomy 05:14 is a long passage, concerning the Sabbath; it ends with, "; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou."  Deuteronomy 05:15 begins with this friendly reminder:  "And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt,"   While looking for a related Scripture, happened upon this pearl, concerning the feast of tabernacles  "And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there."  Deuteronomy 16:11. This verse about repeats, two verses down, in 16:14.  Oh but wait :)  Deuteronomy 16:12 reads, "And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt : and thou shalt observe and do these statutes."

Why even today, there are people spreading the lie that Ham was cursed.  No he wasn't; the curse was upon Ham's son, Caanan - who's sons settled in the same land which the Hebrews would eventually inherit.  "And he said, Cursed be Canaan ; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren."  Genesis 09:25.  Unlike the Hebrews, who were given laws concerning the treatment of anyone doing (menial) work for them, the surrounding heathen had not such detailed rules of conduct.  What the heathen did to defeated soldiers...brutal.  To defeated kings?  Nasty.  Adoni-bezak tells in Judges 01:07.

Margaret Sanger had little time for church; she was turned off by the entire Sunday and Wednesday meetings.   People assume narcs wresting Scripture - from both behind the pulpit and upon pew - is a recent thing.  Uhm, nnooo.  

Monday, May 13, 2024

Red pill math, doesn't add up correctly. Anyone surprised ;/

One of them was going on, how a wife should stay home, raise the (two, maybe three) kids.  By the time, the youngest is in junior high, mom is in her mid to late thirties.  Now it's time for her to get a degree for a career that pays - and to fund, more than 50%, hubby's bass boat, mega wide-screen, and whatever other toys he think he needs.  

So, in her late thirties, or early forties, she enters her chosen career field - hopefully the job also pays well enough for her to pay off that 100k college loan - 100% of it, of course, on her coin.  She, is looking at thirty years, running the rat race - then coming home to the second-shift.  Considering the cost of her school loan and his toys, there likely isn't much left over  for her to hire someone to come in to run the sweeper and mop the floors, once or twice weekly.  By the time she is in her late 60s, or early 70s, she can retire - maybe.

A few more glitches here.  Number #1: ageism.  While men begin noticing, at around age fifty, they get passed over for jobs and promotions - women start hitting the career-wall about ten years earlier (forty-something).  Number #2:  even healthy people begin to notice, at around their mid-sixties, the daily grind - of working the job all day,; never mind, the second shift (cooking, grocery runs - and even trimming the hedges, if not also, mowing the dern grass) becomes more burdensome with each passing year. 

As for the housework - even if one doesn't have a dander and poop factory running around, slobbering body fluids all over the place (gross) - keeping tidy, even a home that is clutter-free, is more than simply running a sweeper twice a week and the dishwasher once daily.  

And women are choosing 4B, because...?   

Friday, May 10, 2024

Twenty questions needing to be answered? All for what?

A paltry $20 (about all i can spare, right now).  And no, am not giving out personal business - it's required on a form. But that's only the half of it.  No mailing address, because they want you to charge - or use one of those fee-ridden pay-pal-ish type of what-passes-for currency.  So, won't be making the political contribution, to Making America Great Again (which won't happen until this once great nation gets right with the Lord Jesus, on His terms).

Speaking of things out of whack, one even must be careful with using checks; they can be soaked.  Best to use a ball point, non-gel pen - yep, fish around for a non-gel pen, just to write a freaking check for something.  Reprobates are out there, and they even pile up upon their fellow reprobates - making extra hassles, for everyone needing to do routine transactions.

Bruh :/