25% (not just the mere 10% off the top), and then to add bleeping insult to settin'-in-th'-dark (ta save on juice) injury, he went on saying, to get out of debt. Oh, how bleeping so - being financially VEXED like that, every bleeping Sunday. And one other thing, where's the 20 bucks gonna come from - to slip yer co-worker...uh, the one who's in a jam - and has a kid to feed?
Tell him or her to go to church for help. Hah! He or she is apt to tell you to go-da-hell! And ya know what? Can't really blame the person's harsh response; he or she has probably been preached AT more than once. Church people - even truly born again folks - can be nosy b*tards - as insensitive as any rank worldling, if not worse.
Ya need $200 to fix yer car - so you can get to work, it's likely they'll want to see your finances, and ya better not be caught buying a soda and a pack of gum from a vending machine - glory be, that's like two bucks.
He went on, how churches, back in the day, (before INSSSAAANNNE property taxes) spent 25% of their profit on helping widows. These days, many widows work - and if they got some backbone/gumption, (and and enough brain cells to atleast halfways plan ahead) widows can bootstrap th' you-know-what up, and take care of their own selves.
There's more than enough outstretched hands in this world to deal with. This world doesn't need yet another.
well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The legal document read "single female." Uh, no, I am NOT "single." I am a Widow.
But i guess, to be listed as a Widow would be politically incorrect. We have to lump everyone together. Never mind that staying in a marriage is not always easy. My late Husband and i had our problems. We didn't always see eye to eye on things, but we stuck it out. i loved him, still do.
That "single" word bothers me - yeah, a pride thing (that's sin). "Single," at my age connotes either having been put away (divorced) or being an "old maid." There's that pride thing again.
Oh what next, in the wonky-world of political correctness? Will my boss soon not be allowed to have his title next to his name on the correspondence? Uh, hey, he worked diligently to get to that nice space - take home that nice pay-check. Ya know, he could have wasted his earlier years slacking around. But no, he chose to get up each morning and go to work, and go to bed at a decent hour (instead of bar-jockeying), so he would be rested and in a mindset to do a good job.
What i'm trying to say is: people who stick it out get shafted, when lumped with people who - for whatever reason - did not stay the course.
That "single" word bothers me - yeah, a pride thing (that's sin). "Single," at my age connotes either having been put away (divorced) or being an "old maid." There's that pride thing again.
Oh what next, in the wonky-world of political correctness? Will my boss soon not be allowed to have his title next to his name on the correspondence? Uh, hey, he worked diligently to get to that nice space - take home that nice pay-check. Ya know, he could have wasted his earlier years slacking around. But no, he chose to get up each morning and go to work, and go to bed at a decent hour (instead of bar-jockeying), so he would be rested and in a mindset to do a good job.
What i'm trying to say is: people who stick it out get shafted, when lumped with people who - for whatever reason - did not stay the course.
If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck... The congregation had some members
who didn't believe in going to the hospital to have a baby. Some churches seem cultish. His topic concerned muted oaths. Ya can't say "dern" spreadsheet formula won't work or "freaking" tires are shot, or even aw "crap" i'm running late. Not even, "oh my goodness" that lime pie was the best! Yeah, i get it, the Lord takes issue with the multitudes of words that come out of our yaps - and from our fingers.
Talking and typing feel good...yep, yet ANOTHER pleasure we are to "deny" ourselves. Oh, it's not enough to give up the booze, and the acid-rock...it's never enough, and won't be enough in this life-time. Following the Lord Jesus is H.A.R.D., hard!!! And anyone who goes around all happy-clappy, waxing praisey-maisy is either deluded or full of monkey-stuff, or both.
Alot of churches put on this facade. No wonder Peeps thinks the Lord is a socio-path. Yeah, thanks cults, thanks a (bleepin) lot!
Talking and typing feel good...yep, yet ANOTHER pleasure we are to "deny" ourselves. Oh, it's not enough to give up the booze, and the acid-rock...it's never enough, and won't be enough in this life-time. Following the Lord Jesus is H.A.R.D., hard!!! And anyone who goes around all happy-clappy, waxing praisey-maisy is either deluded or full of monkey-stuff, or both.
Alot of churches put on this facade. No wonder Peeps thinks the Lord is a socio-path. Yeah, thanks cults, thanks a (bleepin) lot!
Monday, September 16, 2019
Call it very effective advertising - call it what ya will. i believe the story actually happened...more than once.
Somewhere, in a 4th or 5th grade classroom, all the kids - except one - was looking forward to lunch. They anticipated opening their brown bags of lettuicy ham or tuna sandwiches, pears or apples and snack-cakes.
One boy pulled out his (rather crinkled) brown bag, but didn't open it. When asked by the kid or kids around him. He just said he wasn't hungry. A teacher came over, and with for-real concern, attempted to coax him to open his bag and eat his lunch. She gently picked up the bag, looked inside, only to find a ball of (old) foil - and whatever else was in there to make the bag appear as if there was food inside.
Call the mass mailing what ya will. The "advertisement campaign" got me. Didn't have much to spare, but i sent a few bucks.
Have to wonder, what the heck was up with the boy's folks? Was the reason their kid was hungry, a legitimate one? Dad unemployed? Mom in the hospital? Or was the reason the usual tattooed hands buying lottery tickets AND cigs? Whatever! A nine or ten year-old child was hungry.
One boy pulled out his (rather crinkled) brown bag, but didn't open it. When asked by the kid or kids around him. He just said he wasn't hungry. A teacher came over, and with for-real concern, attempted to coax him to open his bag and eat his lunch. She gently picked up the bag, looked inside, only to find a ball of (old) foil - and whatever else was in there to make the bag appear as if there was food inside.
Call the mass mailing what ya will. The "advertisement campaign" got me. Didn't have much to spare, but i sent a few bucks.
Have to wonder, what the heck was up with the boy's folks? Was the reason their kid was hungry, a legitimate one? Dad unemployed? Mom in the hospital? Or was the reason the usual tattooed hands buying lottery tickets AND cigs? Whatever! A nine or ten year-old child was hungry.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The discount store in town isn't leaning on their customers to fork it over for that storm
that hit last week. Few days ago my purchase was $6 and the change went to the charity. Not this time. i need gas and am already over budget. Shoulda just ditched the dentist appointment. Have to drive tomorrow, that means gas and parking.
Ccchhhaarrities! Ya wonder why people bristle, especially when christians??? keyboard shake-down posts. One guy, seriously, advised not even brewing that morning cup of coffee at home, and drinking just water instead. Uhm, does he skip his morning coffee or soda-pop? Why his advice? Nah, it wasn't about storm victims; it was about padding pulpiteers' pockets. Even if that means your water bill goes out late...uhm, isn't paying late an act of theft against one's neighbors?
Another scripture-slinger was going on that if you bristle, you are carnal. Well, welcome to the real (fallen) world, of real (ly fallen) people, buddy. The Lord expects/commands us to do the freaking impossible, and be freaking cheerful about it. Say, freaking what???
Next week, will try to do better, and cough up a few more bucks for the storm victims. Just sign me, almost-oudda-cottage-cheese-and-celery.
Ccchhhaarrities! Ya wonder why people bristle, especially when christians??? keyboard shake-down posts. One guy, seriously, advised not even brewing that morning cup of coffee at home, and drinking just water instead. Uhm, does he skip his morning coffee or soda-pop? Why his advice? Nah, it wasn't about storm victims; it was about padding pulpiteers' pockets. Even if that means your water bill goes out late...uhm, isn't paying late an act of theft against one's neighbors?
Another scripture-slinger was going on that if you bristle, you are carnal. Well, welcome to the real (fallen) world, of real (ly fallen) people, buddy. The Lord expects/commands us to do the freaking impossible, and be freaking cheerful about it. Say, freaking what???
Next week, will try to do better, and cough up a few more bucks for the storm victims. Just sign me, almost-oudda-cottage-cheese-and-celery.
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