Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Five years, and how many air miles?

The preeeacher who got caught keeping company with a woman not his wife, evidently had plenty of free time on his hands.  He was evidently racking up air miles, by himself (???)  While his wife-appliance remained home. 

Not surprised.

Oh, did he get to tour Greece, Rome, Scotland and England?  Ya know, places his wife-appliance would love to see, but probably never will.  Happens.    Talk to secular Kay, her secular husband went abroad to various places, on business; while trad-wife she was stuck in the kitchen and in the laundry - with the other appliances.

The wife-appliance of another preacher was left at home, with yet another newly made arrow to the quiver.  What a time for daDUH to go jaunting off - the newborn was like one, then there was a two or three year old, and a five or six year old; that is, multiple young children.  Kids don't sit still for one minute - bet wife-appliance is usually down to her last wire.  

Had to about laugh at the invalidating response he had made to a woman, who called him on his holy-jetsetting b.s.  He told the woman, she  didn't have her heart right.  Puhleeze :/

Now, here's the skinny on my pastor.  He travels - to a conference, here and there, some 50 miles down the road.  Just for a day, or maybe overnight, at a motel 6.  About thrice a year, he and his wife go out of town for about a weekend.  Every church has a joe-th'janitor who tithes his 10% off the top.  Poor Joe's hard-earned money is going for things like equipping missionaries, enabling a certain saint who risks his neck to get Bibles to people who are not able to buy them at the local bookseller - in some countries, they throw you in a nasty jail for merely printing and distributing Bibles. 

Yep, there's guys in the pulpit who are there for vanity.  And then, there's the for-real Pastors.

Sir, do you have to make that "narrow way" even narrower?

Per last post, hearing him preach, did i just hear the snapping in half of a bruised reed?   And did i hear the turning around, and shuffling away of someone who had been approaching that strait gate?  Can't help but to wonder, if there are actually  preachers out there, who only want a certain very, very, very, very few people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - while the rest of us, can go ... roast forever.  

Evidently that happens (not because susie got her toes crunched), because, a few verses prior to Matthew 23:13 - where a clique of spiritual snobs are keeping joe-th'-janitor from entering - Matthew 23:4 describes people being weighted down with heavy burdens, and not getting one iota of help.   

More than once, he - and some others - have about mocked at the most of us (saved or lost) who don't want to suffer in this life - like what!! are we supposed to be into ... some sort of spiritual masochism???  Ew.  It's like these guys forget, there's no point in giving away one's savings to missions, (more like, preeecher-creature's va-ca fund) if the giving, or whaever other work, is done in the flesh.  

Many of us (saved or lost) regular schmos are thankful for the temporal blessings of a decent home, a car that runs, a job that pays enough to maintain, not only health insurance, but even a modest savings account.  In another sermon, he was going on about homeowner's and life insurance being barriers to faith and prayer.  Came off as guilt-tripping (weaker) brethren  into "denying oneself," but in REALITY doing so in the mere flesh; what?  God's too clueless to know who's brownnosing, and who's for real?

And, by the way, isn't the Bible big on personal accountability?  These financial products are things which responsible people fund, in order to help safeguard their families from falling into debt.  Are there not already more than enough impoverished people?  Shelters are full, winter is coming; why carelessly add to the waiting list. 

And no, i am not accusing this preacher of being a wolf - simply because: hireling types are very very unlikely to remind their listeners (about every other sermon) to "go get your King James Bible..."  This preacher is a human being, and we humans are known to be in error - hence his reminder: "Put me on pause, and read for yourself."  

"A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth."  Isaiah 42:3

"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."  Matthew 7:14

"For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers."  Matthew 23:4

Monday, October 7, 2024

WAAAY more disturbing than any misogynist's blather. Way more disturbing.

A certain evangelist was putting a ballpark number of people whom God saves.  Basically, throughout all church history, maybe ten million.  Tops.  Of course, he, his wife (doing the cooking and laundry off-grid) and child will make it heaven.  As for the 99.9999999999 rest of us (who are not willing to unplug our electric heat in the winter and our AC in the summer) ... we're eternally cooked.

Oh nothing new, back in the day, (1960s) you were about marked as a reprobate, for taking your kid to see a cowboy movie / your wife to a dinner dance.  Even while i was most definitely LOST - like a golf ball in high weeds - couldn't help but notice the harsh hearted smugness among "Christians."  So perfect, and oh, not even a thought to buy a secular record (music media).   The old, if it's enjoyable / attractive, it's sinful - i.e., if the dress doesn't look like a potato sack, then wearing it is a sin.  Where's the "joy" in that!

And you wonder why people, who can add 2+2, figure, why even bother striving, and go on for the remainder of their lives, ignoring sermons, and letting dust accumulate upon their Bible. Such "sermons" are BIGTIME hope killers.  Most of us are not even anywhere near perfect; we know that, deep in our sin-ridden hearts.  Most of us - even who set Godly boundaries - are not into using (if not plain WRESTING) the Bible to spiritually high-hat people.  Uhm, how's that passage go again?  Oh yes, "if possible, live peaceably with all men."

This post is not on the side of drum-set, dark-stage easy-believism; where you're in, because you said the sinner's prayer sometime around easter of  '97 - then two days after, went back to living like a party-animal, and have been jaming to the dead ever since.  No, if there's no change, there's no rebirth - period.  And for real, the Bible talks about the crowded wide road that leads to hell, and less populated narrow road that leads to heaven. There's also a Scripture where pharisee types crowd around the narrow gate, and won't let people pass though, and neither go in themselves.

Starting time for work, more of this later.

"Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou.  These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day."  Isaiah 65:5

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."  Matthew 23:13

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Don't have any documentation for this, just something i heard a few years ago. Migraine

headaches are stress related.  It's only my guess, that when people (women) get shat on, time and time again, and don't call the creep(s) on their b.s. - because, ya know, that's not Christlike, we're supposed to suffer.  And smile :/.  Bull dinky!  Health issues, especially, of that sort, play heck, come old age - when women are STILL expected to take care of others - without ... even so much as taking an hour, here and there, to go enjoy a quiet meal, at the local diner.  Bruh!  And, oh horrors, take a $50, (of the money YOU worked for) and spend it on one meal, dessert, and the nice tip for the guy or gal who brings it to the booth.

A nice quiet meal.  No kids to bother you (and everyone else, and no man-baby to gripe and complain, about the weather, taxes, roads, the President ... pick one, or more :/  Is an occasional hour or so, to yourself, too much to expect?  

As for following the Lord Jesus.  Here's a tip:  the Lord Jesus is big on honesty - uhm, truth includes being on the level with yourself.  If you're being gaslit, and repressing it, that's lying.  The preeechers, don't expound on that...hmm; they just want you to shaddup, fill the plate with $20s - even though your car insurance is coming due.  There's a mission trip (to Vegas) coming up, don't you know.  Just folk it over, you old HAG, then get your butt home and make a big sunday dinner, (for the ungrateful creeps, a.k.a., family) then do up the dishes and pans - never mind, you have to be at the big-box by five pm.  

And women are leaving marriage, motherhood.  and church in droves???

"Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet she is thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant."  Malachi 2:14

Friday, September 20, 2024

Red pill perspective, sounds Ayn Randian - not overly surprised.

 The man who had studied, and had worked as, if i am not mistaken  a financial analyst, was going on about the spending practices of 20 and 30-something liberal women.  Many of whom are still wrestling with college debt - the unpaid principles averaging some tens of thousand$.  

Having listened to his other podcasts, he owns property, has income streams, a goodly savings, and is living debt free.  In his late 40s or early 50s, he is basically semi-retired - and is  aware of other men's jealousy.  In all fairness, here's the deal: he didn't have much fun, while in his 20s; at times, swam in his jeans and slept in his car.  With no one either able, or willing, to give him a hand, he was on his own.  So he worked his butt off, steered clear of dives, saved his money.

His economic podcasts are well worth a listen.  However, his anti-marriage stance is best thrown in the circular file.  Silly me, had to learn, through having resorted to a secular study or two (instead of just believing what Paul the Apostle had spoken on the matter) that it's not just women, whose minds and bodies end up (permanently) corrupted from fornication.

Here and there, the podcaster will make a statement about wanting to "bang" so-n-so. (Oh, such an endearing description of intimacy between a man and a woman :/)  Likely, just idle chatter - he has a live-in girlfriend.  Hopefully, she has a fat savings, because...let's face it:  as women age, we tend to chunk somewhat.  Is what it is.  He has stated, on more than a few occasions, he considers fat women as quite unattractive.  In all fairness, he also tells men to get off their wide duffs, and "hit the gym."

That all said, what he's observed is: these women - many of whom are in debt - include within their budgets, a significant portion of their income to charities.  Per the pocaster, these gals view this budgety category as about as necessary as their hair/nails/net subscriptions/christmas-club apportions. Had him scratching his head, in somewhat bewilderment.

Had me scratching mine.  But in more like  amazement, and respect, toward these Camel-voting democrats.  These women want all the social programs (which will send everyone's tax rates all the way to mars) but, evidently, are putting up their own money - tens and tens of monthly dollars, which would better serve their own needs to pay off that abominable loan, buy a house, and pay that the heck off.  

Hmm, sort of a secular tithe??   Waay more important than money, evidence of soft hearts; some of these "leftists" might eventually come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - and spend eternity with Him, in heaven.

"Flee fornication.  Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body." 1 Corinthians 6:18

"And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul." Acts 16:14

Why do they keep changing this techno stuff, when the older

version working better, more manageable?  Yet, with each new upgrade, users' instructions become a shorter, a sicker joke - like the designers never heard of doing a few captioned screen-shots?  (Why shoot, even i can manage that.) As for the "Help" Line?  The absolute worst music is aired, along with repeated lies that "your call is very important..."  All the while, being baited to hit #, or whatever, to get put on the call-back list... yeah, get put on alright!  

It's part of the program.  Keep people, who have real WORK!!!! to get done, scrambling to keep up, confused, and dern frustrated. Regular (real) people know it's nothing but fluff -  parading itself as "innovation", "new and improved," and whatever other horse-patty laden slogans, principalities choose to orally shat forth. Agenda?  Doesn't take a math genius to factor that one.  The agenda is simply one to keep people's minds in a constant state of confusion, and far, FAR away from even considering - oh, let alone focusing upon, for even two uninterrupted minutes, a certain, and vastly more important, matter.  Where shall one spend eternity?

By the way, if there be any scoffers about, kindly sit on a dart, and spin.  Have a nice day 😀

A secondary thought - though related to the first.  Could these needless, confounding, and exceedingly time WASTING changes also be a "make work" matter?  Ya know, the same broad-brush red-pills use to paint women's career positions - that our desk jobs are mostly fluff.  Thing is, the field of software design remains male dominated.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wickeds wicked, and cap alot.

One of the red-pillers, who calls himself "Shanon" ... Shamon would be a more appropriate screenname, but anyway.  His latest rag-on was about old women.  Namely, women who've lost their looks, their ability to attract a "bad boy."  Just another way of saying, without saying, he's been rejected by one or more young hotties.  Neither, would it be much a surprise, he'd been ignored by more than two or three single 35ish, somewhat overweight cat ladies.

As for the biker bobs, these men don't invite just any jasper to their parties - let alone, to prospect for membership into their club.  Some of these organizations, have a history going back to the late 1940s - started by men who had returned from war.  About 20 years ago, a gentleman had mentioned a reality: men who've wartime experience, generally have dating options - and these guys can be 50-something, and have their choice of dating women half their age.

In short, women have preferences too.  Evidently that bit of reality has shamon in raging mean-girl mode.  Dear 11th grade cheerleaders, you're falling down on the job; please visit his channel, and be sure to bring along a pen and notebook.   Older (fatter) women are also using the internet, communicating with other women - and are finally realizing: it's way, way better to remain alone and to keep at home (with cats) than to settle for some brain-damaged jasper  (with a half mushy eggplant?) through years of p0rn/drugs/sloth.